Tisha B’Av 5782

This weekend as Jews we observe the traditional day of mourning, Tisha B’Av. We mourn the loss of the 1st and 2nd Temples in Jerusalem, and by extension the loss of Jewish life as our ancestors knew it.

Then, from that terrible time a new form of Judaism developed, an enduring worldwide Judaism of prayer and synagogues and reinvented ways to worship and celebrate.

In our time, we are fighting against forces determined to destroy our beloved American democracy. I pray that they will not succeed. May the threat of destruction inspire and compel us to move towards a stronger democracy, one that serves all people, that prioritizes justice and equality and goodwill over financial greed and hatred.

Yibaneh hamikdash ir tzion timaleh, v’sham nashir shir chadash uvirnanah na’aleh

Let the holy sanctuary be restored,​ Zion refilled,​ and there we will sing a new song, with joyous singing ascend”. In memory of Rabbi Michael Miklin z”l who introduced this song to our community Beth Am the Peoples Temple: