About Cantor Horowitz

Cantor Sandy Horowitz is a versatile singer and composer who is equally comfortable with contemporary Jewish song and chant, traditional nusach, and the classical cantorial repertoire; with singing classic rock and folk songs from the ’60’s or immersing in the joy of Italian Renaissance ensemble singing.

She received Cantorial Ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion, holds a Masters in Jewish Studies from Gratz College, and completed the Aleph Alliance’s Davvening Leadership Training Institute. She holds a B.A. in Literature and Composition from Colgate University.

As a Cantor she is committed to being a shliach tzibur – sacred messenger for the people – so that others may feel welcome to share their own voices fully and freely.  She has worked in congregational as well as less formal settings; she has served as sole spiritual leader, alongside other clergy and lay leaders, and with other musicians in communal worship.

Cantor Horowitz is also a writer and composer. Her writings include Torah commentaries on the weekly parsha, midrashim, poetry, an original Haggadah, as well as music for both children and adults.

As a Jewish educator Cantor Horowitz has been a religious school director and taught in the classroom; has been a b’nai mitzvah tutor and continues to engage with adult groups in the study of sacred text.

Growing up in a foreign service family, from a very young age she experienced a variety of cultural perspectives, geographies and languages. Informed by this world-view, she began to explore and develop her Jewish identity after she was well into adulthood; guided by her innate love of music, she eventually chose to become a Cantor.

For over 22 years she was also a New York state-licensed Massage Therapist, specializing in massage for stress management and creating space for the body’s natural capacity for self-healing. She is also a Reiki Master, and continues to promote and write about issues relating to self-care. 

Cantor Horowitz lives in Washington Heights in New York City with her husband Marty Morell, an international-development specialist and recognized musicologist with a specialty in the Italian madrigal.  Their daughter is currently a PhD candidate in political science at the University of Michigan.